30th October 2001
The interview given by ThanatoSchizO to the Holocausto Radio Show (RLO 91 FM) will be broadcasted on the 11th of November at 22 hours. The program can be listened to on the radio in the West/center zone of Portugal.
Agonia Magazine published a review about the schizo level album. Go to the Press section to read it.
Agonia Magazine published a review about the schizo level album. Go to the Press section to read it.
28th October 2001
BRUTÁLIA published a review about the schizo level album. Go to the Press section to read it.
27th October 2001
LOUD! #14 (Portuguese monthly Metal Magazine) published an interview and a review concerning ThanatoSchizO. Go to the Press section to read them.
26th October 2001
ThanatoSchizO wishes to announce the first Schizo-Shirt ever which will be on sale around December/Xmas time.
17th October 2001
The interview that was broadcasted on the 1st of September in S.O.S. (Do Extremo ao Caos) (Rádio Televisão do Minho) is now available. Go to the Press section and check it out.
12th October 2001
RIFF (Portuguese monthly Metal Magazine) has published in the X-Files section an amusing questionary answered by Eduardo and Guilhermino. Go to the Press section to read it.
The previously mentioned magazine awarded schizo level with the 2nd place in the Album of the Month category alongside with Destruction's The Antichrist; furthermore, RIFF has also published a compilation CD, on which ThanatoSchizO features with the track Suturn. For more information check the Discography section.
The previously mentioned magazine awarded schizo level with the 2nd place in the Album of the Month category alongside with Destruction's The Antichrist; furthermore, RIFF has also published a compilation CD, on which ThanatoSchizO features with the track Suturn. For more information check the Discography section.
02nd October 2001
The INTO OBSCURITY webzine has published a schizo level's review. Go to the Press section to read it.
01st October 2001
29th September 2001
The interview given to the V Império radio show (PAL FM) on the 16th of September is now available. Go to the Press section sections and check it out.
21st September 2001
The interview that was broadcasted today at 00:30 in HYPERTENSÃO Radio Show (Ant3na) is now available. Go to the Press section and check it out.
17th September 2001
During this week, Ant3na (a national radio) will give special attention to ThanatoSchizO. Several songs from the new album schizo level will be played and an interview with the band will be broadcasted. This interview can be listened to on Thursday at midnight.
10th September 2001
Surprisingly, the band is already in a local studio pre-producing six new songs for the forthcoming album which will be recorded in late 2001/early 2002. The new opus will be released in the first semestre of the 2002.
09th September 2001
Another interview given by ThanatoSchizO is going to be broadcasted on Sunday (16th September). The radio show is called V Império (PAL FM). This show can be listened in Setúbal and Great Lisbon.
08th September 2001
03rd September 2001
The interviews given to Rádio Larouco (93.5 fm) on the 10th of August and to Rádio Marcoense (93.3 Fm) on the 15th of August are now available. Go to the Press section and check them out.