Press - Reviews
08th April 2005
Turbulence review, Metalfan

Misdeed Records

Cele mai cunoscute exponente ale scenei de metal portugheze sunt Moonspell si Heavenwood, singurele trupe care au reusit sa se impuna de-a lungul ultimilor ani si dincolo de granitele tinutului lusitan. Este posibil insa ca lucrurile sa se schimbe daca grupul care face obiectul acestei recenzii va beneficia de suficient sprijin pentru a putea fi promovat asa cum ar merita. ThanatoSchizo nu este tocmai o titulatura noua, aflandu-se deja prin albumul Turbulence la cea de-a treia realizare discografica. Dar cum pentru mine albumul reprezinta si primul contact cu aceasta trupa, nu pot trasa o comparatie cu eforturile lor precedente. Cert este insa ca nici nu prea e nevoie sa o fac, Turbulence fiind genul de disc care nu are cum sa nu te impresioneze pozitiv.
Pornind de la prezentarea grafica, trecand prin versuri si culminand cu muzica, ThanatoSchizo au marele merit de a fi reusit sa produca un album neconventional, cu o doza mare de originalitate, caracteristica din ce in ce mai absenta astazi la produsele de gen. Nu stiu daca incadrarea stilistica oferita de casa lor de discuri este cea mai corecta, adica death metal progresiv, insa cu siguranta Turbulence ofera un metal complex, care are la baza intr-adevar structuri death metal, la care se adauga foarte multe elemente avantgardiste, aparent incompatibile. Daca Opeth ar fi colaborat cu Ram Zet la inregistrarea unui album, probabil ca rezultatul nu ar fi fost prea departe de Turbulence.
M-a surpins mult modalitatea in care portughezii au reusit sa imbine latura agresiva, foarte heavy cu cea melodioasa si desi totul este alambicat, nu ai nici o clipa senzatia ca pieselor le lipseste firul logic. Contrastul este prezent si la nivel vocal, unde exista 3 tipuri de voce, cea angelica a Patriciei, growl-ul si vocea clean a lui Eduardo. In ciuda faptului ca albumul contine doar sapte compozitii, per total el nu are o durata redusa, dat fiind faptul ca cea mai scurta piesa are sase minute si douazeci de secunde.
Productia foarte minutioasa face ca fiecare detaliu sa poate fi auzit, nenumaratele efecte, percutii bizare si armonii vocale oferind astfel albumului un plus de dinamism. Alaturi de cele sapte piese, discul mai contine si o sectiune multimedia cu fotografii cat si un clip cu secvente de studio din timpul inregistrarilor. In loc de concluzie am sa va spun ca Turbulence a fost desemnat in Portugalia de cititorii revistei Loud! (cea mai importanta publicatie portugheza de rock/metal) drept cel mai bun album al anului 2004, iar ThanatoSchizo al doilea grup ca importanta, dupa Moonspell, evident.

Dragos P.

English translation:
The most acknowledged bands of the Portuguese metal scene are Moonspell and Heavenwood, the only ones who have managed to make a real breakthrough outside the boundaries of their home country over the past few years. The things might as well be heading for a change if the band presented here will benefit from plenty of support in order to be promoted as it should. ThanatoSchizO is not exactly a new name, having already released their third full length album entitled "Turbulence". But since for me this album represents the first contact I ever had with the band, I cannot draw a comparison between this album and their previous efforts. The truth is, anyway, that no comparison is even needed, since "Turbulence" is the kind of record that goes straight to your heart from the first audition.
Starting with the artwork, and going through the lyrics onto the music, ThanatoSchizO must be given credit for being able to release an unconventional album, with a great amount of originality, a thing so hard to find today with similar releases. I don't know if the style they're supposed to be playing, according to their label, which is progressive death metal, is correct, but for sure "Turbulence" offers a doze of complex metal, structured around death metal, with a lot of avant-garde elements, apparently incompatible. If Opeth and Ram Zet had gathered their efforts to release an album together, the result would have been close to Turbulence.
I was pleasantly surprised by the way the guys have managed to combine the aggressive, heavy parts, with the melodic ones, and although everything is complex and twisted, I may say, you never get the feeling the songs are missing a logical link. The contrast is noticeable in the vocals as well, where we can find three types of voices: Patricia's angelic one, and Eduardo's mix of clean and growling vocals. Although the album contains only seven tracks it doesn't have a short playtime, thanks to the fact that the shortest song is 6:20 minutes long.
The production is brilliant, so that every detail can be heard, the countless effects, bizarre percussions and vocal harmonies raising the album to a higher level of dynamism. Together with the seven tracks, the disc contains a multimedia section with pics, as well as a movie clip of short studio moments during recording. Instead of a conclusion, I will say just this: Turbulence was declared in Portugal by the readers of "Loud!" magazine (the most important Portuguese rock/metal zine) as the best album of 2004, and ThanatoSchizO the second best group after Moonspell, obviously.
5 CDs + 1 EP
€45.00 / $58.50